Choosing Fitness Classes With Autoimmune Disease: What You Should Know


Everyone knows the importance of regular exercise and eating healthy, but when you're thinking about signing up for fitness classes and you've been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, it's not that simple. There are things you need to consider to avoid triggers that can lead to inflammation, pain, and increased antibodies. Here's a look at what you need to know before you sign up for any fitness classes if you have an autoimmune disease.

Opt For Low-Impact Exercise

There are a couple of benefits to opting for a low-impact fitness class when you have an autoimmune disease. First, the lower impact exercises are far less likely to tax your system and cause autoimmune flares. This means less inflammation and pain, which is important.

Further, low-impact fitness classes will be easier for you to maintain on those days when you are feeling worn down, fatigued, or uncomfortable. If you already have inflammation problems, low-impact exercises will allow you to get the exercise you need without worsening your joint pain and increasing that inflammation.

You Have To Take It Slow

Especially if you haven't been working out for a while, you can't jump into full-time fitness classes and just power through the muscle pain and fatigue like those without autoimmune conditions can. Unfortunately, when you have an autoimmune disease, pushing your system like that will actually worsen your symptoms and cause inflammation flares that can leave you unable to continue your classes.

Instead, start slowly and avoid pushing yourself. If it means you only complete a portion of the class for the first couple of weeks, that's okay. You have to allow your body time to adjust, because increasing your antibodies through physical stress will hinder your ability to build muscle tone and shed any excess weight.

It Is Important To Listen To Your Body

Understanding the symptoms that you experience with an autoimmune flare is essential before you start fitness classes. If you start to see any of those symptoms, that means that your body is being taxed too much and you need to slow down. It may mean that you have to take a couple of days off and rest to allow your body to recover. Remember that things like insomnia, excessive fatigue, and difficulty recovering after a workout are all signs that your body needs a break.

The more you understand about how your body reacts to exercise once you have an autoimmune disease, the easier it will be to choose fitness classes that are right for you. Talk with your local facility about activities like yoga, which are low impact and strength building exercises.


31 May 2018

Talking About Learning To Love Exercise

Hello, I’m Gene. Welcome to my website about exercise. While I was growing up, I viewed exercise as an unnecessary way to torture myself. I did not have the confidence required to see that I had the ability to perform exercises with the best of them. Through the years, I have learned to love exercise by slowly ramping up my activity levels. I always switch up my exercise routines to avoid growing bored with the activities. I hope to use this site to help other people learn to love exercise as well. Please feel free to visit my site often to learn all you can about this important topic.